Localization Maturity Model

Apex employs what is referred to as the “Localization Maturity Model” (LMM). In essence, the application of this model facilitates matching your organization’s translation/globalization requirements with the right people, processes, and technologies provided by the Language Services Provider. As your organization grows, your localization (translation) needs may need to expand also. Let us help your organization move you to the next level using this maturity model as the guide.

Localization Maturity Model

This model provides a framework for Language Service Providers and consumers of translation services to establish a common understanding of the existing localization framework and the processes being utilized. This knowledge, in turn, provides the foundation for how the Language Service Provider can most effectively integrate their services into the existing framework, help to further advance and develop it, and, in doing so, provide the optimum localization solution for you, the client.
Apex recognizes that the level of localization maturity of companies purchasing translation services varies a great deal, beginning with procedures and practices developed and implemented “on the fly” to more sophisticated levels of process, and translation automation. In order to provide optimum support for your localization effort, we would determine – using the Localization Maturity Model – the present state of the current procedures and practices including its strengths and weaknesses.
Once the current state has been sufficiently assessed and bench-marked, improvements can then be jointly developed to elevate the sophistication and maturity of the localization process by using an array of new technologies, approaches, and management initiatives.

Key focus areas such as work flows & processes, planning, technology, roles & responsibilities, etc., all play a pivotal role in your localization efforts. The following describes the different maturity levels ranging from companies that are just starting their localization effort, to companies that are fully entrenched in it.





Work flows & Processes Work flows and processes are used mostly on an ad-hoc basis Some work flows and processes are developed and employed Work flows and processes are documented and employed Work flows and processes are formally documented and are consistently followed by different divisions in the company  



Companies in the final phase of the Localization Maturity Model have fully embraced the concept of localization, which has been established as a key function within the company and is fully integrated and a natural part of product releases, business planning, and quality management systems.

Planning Little planning is in place Increased planning is in place Sufficient planning is in place Comprehensive planning is in place and available to all divisions in the company
Use of technology Very little technology, if any, is used to support the translation process Technological solutions derived mainly from commonly available software solutions are employed Technological solutions are employed, some of them are purpose-built and specialized Comprehensive technological solutions are well-documented and shared across the company
Roles and
Roles and
responsibilities of people are only marginally defined
Improved identification of roles & responsibilities Roles and
responsibilities are well-defined
Roles and
responsibilities have been fully defined across all divisions of the company
Localization as a central corporate function  



Where Is Your Company
Currently on This Continuum?

At which level do you find your organization to be placed?

If you choose Apex as your Language Service Provider, we will help you analyze your current capabilities and work with you to develop a road map towards achieving an optimized and cost-effective approach to localization that meets all your requirements.


Ready to get started?

Please let us know how we can help you with your next translation project by completing our quote form below. If you would like to discuss your project needs with us, simply indicate so in the form, and we will call you at your convenience.
You can also reach us via e-mail at CustServ@apex-translations.com or by giving us a call at 252-791-9902.