Apex’s Quality Score Model

The three different grades relate to the following two main error categories of a translation, which are the main contributors to translation quality:

Correspondence (Accuracy): How closely does the target match the source text? This category includes errors
such as mistranslations, wrong terms, omissions, unjustified additions, etc.)

Linguistic Conventions (Fluency): How well does the target content read on its own and how well it is
expressed? This category includes grammar, tense, punctuation errors, terminological inconsistencies, etc.)

The image below shows the relationship of the above error categories graphically:

Customer Experiences with Our Company

As part of our ongoing commitment towards maintaining excellent quality, we are partnering with an independent review site to collect customer reviews.

certified document translation services

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You can also reach us via e-mail at CustServ@apex-translations.com or by giving us a call at 800-634-4880.